

What is my Why?


Why am I doing this? I’ve asked myself this question a thousand times. I struggle between my desire to help others and possibly motivate and, God willing, inspire someone and that nagging voice in the back of my head that says, “nobody cares what you are doing, what you have to say or where you are going. They have their own lives to live.”

I have been afforded the great opportunity these past few years to go on a spiritual and soul searching journey. I have reconciled with and chased off many of my demons and continue to pursue a life of joy and grace. If these ramblings help even one person, then I have succeeded!

I also am thinking of my dad, who my son never really had a chance to know. So this is also for my grandkids. Well, potentially… future grandkids… so they might know me through this medium at least.



fet· ter | \ ˈfe-tər \

Definition (Entry 1 of 2)

  • 1: a chain or shackle for the feet

  • 2: something that confines : RESTRAINT


fet tered; fet ter ing; fet ters

Definition (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

  • 1: to put fetters on : SHACKLE

  • 2: to restrain from motion, action, or progress

This SO explains my life!  And why I feel so….stuck. It’s in my name!  

Don’t get me wrong, I am EXTREMELY proud of my name.  There has been great honor attached to it.  Starting with my father who was a tail gunner in WWII and a POW in Germany.  My brother served in Vietnam in the Navy.  My Grandfather was in the famous Rainbow Division in WWI.  The list on both sides of my family continues to include soldiers dating back the American Revolution.  There have been farmers, teachers and coaches.  My family name has been woven into the fabric of America. 

I’ve reflected on my personal “chains” and have discovered things about myself that hold me back.  Fear, failure, lack of confidence and so many more self imposing restrictions. 



un· fet· tered | \ ˌən-ˈfe-tərd \

Definition: not controlled or restricted : FREE, UNRESTRAINED


My Italian Life